Green-Eyed Envy Cover At Last!…

I am thrilled to share the finalized cover for Green-Eyed Envy and couldn’t be more pleased.  Both Judy York and the Ace Art Department have done a fabulous job once more.  They have done a fabulous job of blending artistic license with my vision of Riss and brought her to kick-ass life.  I am truly blessed by the cover art gods.  =)

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3 Responses

  1. Van P. says:

    Loooooove the cover! cannot wait to read it 🙂

  2. Calliope says:

    Beautiful! When will the back cover blurb be posted?

  3. kaseymack says:

    Van: Thank you so much! Just a few more months. =)

    Calliope: Let me pull it out from my emails and post it. I need to throw up a GEE specific page anywho.


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