Ignited by Ashes Almost Here!

Well! Wouldn’t you know that the universe decided to humble me yet again when I planned to publish Ignited by Ashes soon after my last update? I unfortunately fell and severely shattered my ankle on June 1st. Agonizing pain doesn’t even begin to describe what I went through for the week it took to get a pain medication that actually worked for me. Thank goodness for my amazing husband advocating me, because I was out of my mind with pain and incoherent. I’m not going to go into all the ugly details, but let’s just say that the surgery and months of healing since then have been extremely difficult. It’s only been for the past week or so that I’ve been mentally well enough to start writing regularly again.

The good news is that I feel more motivated than ever to finish this book! I never intended such a long break between books in this series, and I’m determined not to have that happen again. I’ve planned out a revised writing schedule, and I’m confident that I can publish Ignited by Ashes in about a month. I’m not going to put it up for pre-order or set out a specific date just yet, but I’m aiming for sometime the week of my birthday (which is October 22). If I can release it even a few days before that, fantastic! I definitely will.

Be sure to sign up for my newsletter if you haven’t already as I’ll update there with the precise release date once I know it. And I’m planning to offer some goodies there for my patient readers. I really do appreciate each and every one of you. Thank you so much for not giving up on me!

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