Where I’ve Been – and Ignited by Ashes Preorder Up!

Y’all! It’s been a rough couple years for all of us, hasn’t it? Some of you may wonder where the heck I’ve been. The truth is that I’ve been recovering, both physically and emotionally, from severely shattering my ankle back in June of 2021. I mentioned it briefly in my last post, but…I was overly optimistic then about being farther along on the road to recovery than I actually was. So many of us have that ingrained habit to try to just “grin and bear it” through life’s struggles, don’t we?

I’m not going to go into ALL the grisly details, but the past two years have been the hardest thing I’ve gone through physically AND mentally, other than dealing with grief from losing close family members. It’s been a long, hard road–and let me tell you, finding the creativity to write compelling stories that your readers deserve can be downright hard when you’re struggling to find the energy just to get through another day. I know that many of you can undoubtedly relate to this feeling!

The GOOD news is that the past couple months have been night-and-day better. It happened so gradually that it took awhile to notice. One day it just wasn’t as hard as it had been. Things suddenly seemed easier, physically speaking. No longer having to struggle so much with pain and relearning how to walk, not having to fight as hard to get back to being physically strong enough to teach Zumba again–it freed up a lot of my emotional energy. Feeling more energetic both physically and emotionally meant I started to have the creative juices to write again. Experiencing this creative rejuvenation means that now I’m BURSTING inside to tell all these stories that have been crowding inside my head without the ability to actually transfer them to the page.

I’m happy to be back on a consistent writing schedule, and I’m now most of the way through the first draft of Ignited by Ashes. It’s in good enough shape now to put up the preorder link on both Amazon, Barnes & Noble, and other vendors. Hooray! Some vendors haven’t made it available just yet, and I do still need to work on getting it up on Google Play, but I’ll update when that one is available. The publishing date for that is April 12, so we’re not far away now. (FINALLY, I bet some of you are saying. 😉 Can’t blame you. Thank you so much for being patient!) I’ve also thrown up the preorder links for a “Why Choose” shifter paranormal romance series that I’m writing for fun and to keep me motivated to finish IBA. That series is called “St. Louis Shadow Wolves,” and I’ll share more about it later as well.

For now I’ll close this with it’s amazing to be back, and thanks again for being patient with me!

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