Just a Few Days More!
I’m so flipping excited that Ignited by Ashes releases in less than a week! I know it’s been a long time coming, and I’m so grateful for the patience and support of all my amazing readers. I’m hoping that you’ll love this story and characters as much as I enjoy writing them! It feels amazing to have rediscovered my joy of writing and storytelling again. I have big plans for the next few months, so hopefully my readers are ready for the ride!
I’ll be rapid-releasing a “Why Choose/RH” paranormal romance trilogy from May 2 through July 18 called the St. Louis Shadow Wolves. This is a purely fun project that I used to help motivate myself to finish Ignited by Ashes. Not that I don’t LOVE the Untamed Elements series–but it was somewhat daunting trying to pick back up on that project again after such a long break. So having a new shiny project to “reward” myself with when I worked on the existing project was a very effective tactic for me.
I have book covers for a few other books after that, but exact release dates on those will depend on how things shake out with the two existing series I’m hoping to work on finishing first. Untamed Elements is the first, and I have dates scheduled with my cover artist in June and early fall. I originally envisioned Phoenix on the Rise, the first set of Untamed Elements books, as being a four-book quartet. But as the series and cast of characters grew, I realized it’s going to take at least 6-8 books to complete the overarching story arc on that one. But my goal is to write at least one more of those this year and possibly two, and then hopefully I’ll know whether it’ll wrap up at 6 books or 8.
The other series I want to work on is the Eternal Academy series. I’m honestly not sure how many books that will ultimately be, but probably around 6-8 as well. I have a date in June with that cover artist to do at least the next two covers. Not entirely sure when I’ll be writing those, but I’m hoping to get to at least one this year.
Other projects to round out this year will just depend on how those two go. I’ll keep you all updated as I figure things out. Can’t wait to share more fun books with everyone! 🙂