My Red Hot Cover, Let Me Show You It!!!

I am pleased as punch (spiked if you prefer it that way) to be able to share my amazingly gorgeous cover with you.  The Ace art department has done a FABULOUS job of bringing Riss, my very own Red Hot Fury, to life and I absolutely love this cover.  Props also go to my stupendous editor, Jessica Wade, who has also done a fantastic job bringing this cover to fruition.

So, without further ado, here it is!


Eeeee!  Only 5 more months until I am an official published author!!!!!!!!!!

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5 Responses

  1. Jim Stokes says:

    What? No-one congratulated you yet? Well then I shall. CONGRATULATIONS!

    Writing’s easy. Making money at “literary” writing is hard. However I’m a regular freelance writer for a monthly publication. So my bowl is half full. 🙂

    I don’t know how I got to your book. Initially, I was looking to whether Levine Greenberg was a good agency. They surely look good from their ad. But I’m hearing negative feedback.

    If it’s not asking too much, what agency represents you? I have no representation yet for a novel I’m working on. And I’d surely like to turn the four feature movies I’ve done for cable on my own into books. 🙂

    Somewhat related to your type of writing, I’ve made a movie for cable called “There’s Danger in Romance” (Copyright 2004). The movie’s title is the name of a romance novel. It’s about a hardhat guy who writes a romance book under a female alias and tries to hide that fact from a romance novel editor. He hires his daughter to pose as author “Sheila Sherwood.” And he, the real author, acts as her agent. There’s lots more to it. We shot it in New York City and in Minneapolis, which doubles very well for Central Park and older midtown buildings, if shot tight. We used several of our dear friends there as actors. We shoot using teleprompter-type lines off camera. It worked for TVs Dragnet and The Lucy Show. So it works for us. 🙂 We get great performances.

    We’re now shooting “Secrets of Central Park,” a dark comedy. We will shoot in New York in October. We are our own movie company using family and close friends.

  2. marisa says:

    Congrats !!!
    Great book 🙂

  3. Scott says:

    Great book Casey. Really well done and congratulations on your first novel. As an avid reader of sci-fi\fantasy, I can say I really look forward to follow-ups to this Novel and any other work you do! Thanks.

  4. kaseymack says:


    Thanks so much for your kind words. =)

    Glad you enjoyed it!

  5. kaseymack says:


    Great name! Ha. 😉 (I forgot to compliment Marisa on her awesome name, too. 😉 )

    Thanks so much for your support and Green-Eyed Envy is set to drop next July. Hope you enjoy it!

    Thanks again,

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