Green-Eyed Envy Available for Pre-Order and E-books to Come!

I’m excited to announce that Green-Eyed Envy is now available for pre-order from  The publication date is June 28, 2011 and I should be getting the cover any day now.  I’ve turned the book in to my editor and am just waiting for her revision notes so I can go through the first round of edits.  This is all just about as exciting for book 2 as it was for book 1, and I hope I never get to that “jaded” point with this process.  While I worked my booty off to get to this point, I know just how blessed and lucky I am to be publishing such a great series with an awesome publisher.  The folks at Ace/Roc have just been fantastic to work with and, of course, I couldn’t be happier with my “rockstar” agent, Ginger Clark.

Now if only I can get back into that habit of regular updates again!  Life is busy, but I promise to try harder to do better.  =)

Additionally, while I don’t have any official dates to share yet, I can confirm that both Red Hot Fury and Green-Eyed Envy will be available as e-books.  More details to follow as I get them.  Thanks to all my lovely readers and future readers for the support and comments.

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